The firm of Sack & Menendez, Inc. was founded in 1954 by the husband and wife team of José and Dalia Menendez and their partner Francis Sack in Tampa, Florida, then known as "The Cigar Capital of the World." Driven by a strong work ethic, a dedication to serving the client and a pride in being knowledgeable and honest, this founding team created an organization and developed a staff that embodied each of these principles. These values were instilled in the firm's second and third generation of leaders, George and Beth Menendez, and they continue to guide daily operations and future growth.
While originally founded to serve the booming Cigar industry's need for imported Cuban tobacco, the firm's strong commitment to excellent service and its premier technical expertise enabled Sack & Menendez to quickly emerge as a leading Customs brokerage and forwarding firm. The imposition of the U.S. - Cuban Trade Embargo in 1962 presented a hard blow to the then young firm, which was so heavily dependent on this particular commodity and trade lane. At the same time it was a blessing, revealing the valuable lesson that the caring, professional service and extensive knowledge base provided to our Cigar Industry clients could be tailored to meet the needs of a variety of clients regardless of their size, the nature of their products or the location of their markets. This lesson of personalized service continues to serve Sack & Menendez and its clients well today.
At Sack & Menendez, we understand that receiving detailed information in a meaningful format and timely fashion is paramount to the success of companies participating in international trade and have therefore always invested in the latest automation and communication tools. We were the first Automated Broker Interface (A.B.I.) participant in the port of Tampa in 1984 and we continue to participate in the latest Customs programs such as the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), Periodic Monthly Statement (PMS) and Remote Location Filing (RLF.) Whether providing a status update on a current shipment or an extensive analysis of last year's importations from a particular supplier in China, Sack & Menendez understands the critical value of shared information. We are committed to continuously improving our systems and technology to facilitate the simple and rapid deployment of vital information.
Sack & Mendendez is also committed to staying abreast of the constantly evolving regulatory and security challenges which impact domestic businesses and international trade. Through the leadership of George Menendez, we have been heavily involved in both national and international professional organizations. These professional organizations serve not only as a source of industry trends and developments, but also provide us a platform to advocate for better international trade policies.
Driven by a strong work ethic, a dedication to serving the client and a pride in being knowledgeable and honest, this founding team created an organization and developed a staff that embodied each of these principles. We are here to serve you and we look forward to doing just that.